A downloadable soundtrack

Game Name:  Yui and Kuida

Game Genre: Puzzle, Suspense, RPG?

Chosen theme:  Artwork created by @kawaakar._

How does the OST fit the theme? - I did this through sampling a girl's laugh as well as adding some either forward or reversed bubble sound effects in some of the tracks. These are mainly in the starting tracks, as it's meant  to happy and kid-ish, until when the player progress further into the game does the OST become more plot focused.

Link to streaming service: https://soundcloud.com/nintendo-emulator-system/sets/yui-and-kuida-ost

I, Kaleb Melendez/Cheeze_Maniac, give full permission to use all these files uploaded here in this submitted project as seen fit. 

Contact Information:

Phone: (931) 266 3775

Email: kalebmelenddez777@gmail.com

Discord: cheeze_maniac

I had recently learned of this "Comp Jam" from a Youtube video about writing music for games. It's a bummer I am now only hearing about this, but I hope to do future submissions from now on! This really was a lot of fun. Hopefully by next year or whenever the next jam is, I'll be up in experience when it comes to writing OSTs/tracks in general. Need to learn sound design, mixing/mastering, and better writing techniques :(

OST Runtime: 22 minutes, 36  seconds

Soundtrack  Writing Process:

Set the image created by @kawaakar._ as desktop background, and started coming up with a story for the two characters within the image

Created the concept of "Yui and Kuida"

Created lore of the characters, and the worldscape (Where Kuida is and why he is there.)

Created "Notes" (gameplay mechanics, game endings, flashblack mechanics, types of gifts, explanation of motives, etc.)

Created tracks 00 to 12

Created cover art with graphics gale. (Artwork credited to @kawaakar._ and text credited to Kaleb Melendez/Cheeze_Maniac

Used mp3tag to modify the mp3 files of the soundtrack

Uploaded all the tracks to a playlist titled "Yui and Kuida OST" on Soundcloud and "itch.io"


00 - Prologue [Yui and Kuida OST].mp3 1.4 MB
01 - Kuida's Purgatory [Yui and Kuida OST].mp3 3.4 MB
02 - Hi, My Name is Yui [Yui and Kuida OST].mp3 2.9 MB
03 - Learn to Play (1st Variation) [Yui and Kuida OST].mp3 1.6 MB
04 - Learn To Play (2nd Variation) [Yui and Kuida OST].mp3 1.6 MB
05 - A Gift Lies Before You (Flashback) [Yui and Kuida OST].mp3 1.1 MB
06 - Puzzles and Mazes [Yui and Kuida OST].mp3 4.5 MB
07 - Tales of Rueon [Yui and Kuida OST].mp3 1.6 MB
08 - Warrens and Riddles [Yui and Kuida OST].mp3 4.5 MB
09 - The Labyrinth [Yui and Kuida OST].mp3 3 MB
10 - Chamber of Rueon [Yui and Kuida OST].mp3 1.7 MB
11 - Rueon Approaches (Klotski Scramble) [Yui and Kuida OST].mp3 996 kB
12 - Fight with Rueon [Yui and Kuida OST].mp3 3.6 MB
Chamber of Rueon DAW FLP Image.PNG 145 kB
My Name is Yui DAW FLP Image.PNG 187 kB
Puzzles and Mazes DAW FLP Image.PNG 187 kB
Yui and Kuida Planning.txt 12 kB

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